Thursday, February 21, 2019

Selling Our Kids Stops. Now.

Try reading any on-line inforama on " Special Education ". You can't. The words are in the right place, punctuation is pretty good and they're all sentences in the right order ( I think ) glued together forming  paragraphs.  You still can't read it because the on-line translator is missing. That would be a lawyer. Somewhere between your kid and the probably excellent resources schools are required by law to provide your kid are layers and layers and layers- there are several layers of attorney fees.

While some schools bafflingly are willing to spend tens of thousands of tax payer dollars becoming embattled with parents - over your free education and their right to not provide it - the parent gets to foot the bill for theirs. Constitutionally that's just illegal. They get to do it anyway. Our son's free education following a psychiatric admittance for suicidal ideation cost us FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Not by choice. We begged, pleased and tried to reason ( like idiots ). Our school insisted on dragging this suicidal kid through h*ll. I've also wasted more than enough time writing it out.

 IF SCHOOL DISTRICTS HAD TO PROVIDE EQUAL REPRESENTATION TO THOSE GLEEFULLY SPENT TAX PAYER DOLLARS WE GIVE THEM TO USE AS WEAPONS AGAINST CHILDREN you better believe the entire scenario would change in a big hurry. Someone told me that using bold text sounds like you're yelling. That's ok. I'm yelling.

Horror stories proliferate. Our family rocketed into a bizarre underbelly of which we were unaware. I'm not sure how we missed it. Encountering other shattered children and their bewildered, shattered and debt ridden families has been an eye opener. There are a LOT of us out here.

Which is a handy piece of information. Just sayin'. Excerpt below from criteria for a class action suit. Our kid spent more time in a psych unit, devolving in a matter of months from an honor roll athlete to a kid wondering why it'd be worth hanging around on the planet. We're quite simply done expecting reasonable behavior from a school. We're more than done watching other children suffer the same fate or worse. If this state refuses to step in to these putrid little money churners, well, sure, we'll go away. But. Someone will be held responsible. These are children, not billable hours. These are OUR kids, not someone's stock portfolio. If no one-  and we mean no one will do a thing- will step in to stop what amounts to selling our kids, $$$ for heads, well, we're not the only family who likes having their kid around resents being bled dry to keep them here. Nothing gets attention like cash, nothing, not suicidal children nothing.

Class action, folks. it's where we're at. I don't know how many thousands more may sign up but what do we have to lose? A lot of us almost lost our kids- to no response from this state's oversights. Oh wait. There is no oversight.

" Plaintiffs seeking to certify a class under Federal Rule 23 must plead and prove: (1) an

adequate class definition, (2) ascertainability, (3) numerosity, (4) commonality, (5)

typicality, (6) adequacy and (7) at least one of the requirements in Rule 23(b), namely:

(a) separate adjudications will create a risk of decisions that are inconsistent with or

dispositive of other class members’ claims, (b) declaratory or injunctive relief is

appropriate based on the defendant’s acts with respect to the class generally, or (c)

common questions predominate and a class action is superior to individual actions."

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