Thursday, February 21, 2019

Your Pennsylvania Student's Suicide Is Big Business Or, What's A Dead Kid Between Scumbuckets?

Suicidal teens. Once in awhile a particularly horrendous story hits media. We'll pay attention, sigh, send thoughts and prayer then forget it again. We know why so many choose this awful alternative to pain. We know how to prevent it, mostly. We know much more than any time in history how to identify, treat and plain, old love these kids back from that dark end. And they're still doing it by awful numbers. Kids seem to me to be incredibly logical. ' This pain has no end. So I'll go away. '

What we're doing is so barbaric, for each teen we lose there should be accountability. These are children. Suicidal kids do not get there alone, how would they? Adults, and no, not parents alone have impacted a child's life with such extraordinary cruelty they make the decision not to stick around. When it's on purpose it's murder. There's no other word for it. When the kid manages to survive? Attempted murder. If the outcome of what we DO to kids during custody ' battles ' for instance, better believe a lawyer is culpable too. There's no law against legal bullying. Interesting.

What pain, why is it unrelenting, why are we still losing our children? If we have the tools, why isn't it a crime to NOT step in before they've gone away forever? Seems criminal to me but I'm no expert on law. Thankfully. As usual, the kids are right. Not in their final decision to get the heck outa here, it's their beautiful simplicity. Bet a gajillion dirty bucks each one carefully explained their pain, bet each one was failed horribly somewhere if not everywhere, bet behind each one a parent screamed into the wind for help. From someone, anyone. Help? Yes, it's there- professionals pull these kids back from That Day all the time. But. If we don't remove the source of their pain, we're using the mental health system as a garage. Broke the kid, fix the fix, send him out there for more. It's not the mental health professionals bleeding for each one lost, it's the barbaric institutions around here carefully turning kids into wreckage.

Any time there's an apparently baffling lack of movement over humanitarian crisis, part the curtain. Little men and more bafflingly a few women  behind it slapping hands, counting cash and popping corks may resent the intrusion but look anyway. Best, glaring, bit of illustrative porn would be our- because they're allllll ours, people- children in er, ' retention camps '. New orphans created for the sole purpose of generating income. Immigration? Nope. There are government contracts and billable hours nicely generated by a simple, successful call to hate. Racism. Smoke and mirrors albeit wildly effective. Who doesn't want to hate brown people? Better, brown kids, what's not to hate, America?

Promise this has relevance to suicidal children, not that there aren't quite a few headed that way. Being kidnapped is thought to be bad for them, who knew? . But they're just kids. What do they know?  Hang on. They're your kids.

You know how a dangerous intersection has to be the scene of ' x' amount of fatalities before it qualifies for a stop light? They call it statistics. ' X ' died in some bloody fashion because it's a stupid place not to have a stop light. XXXXXX and X all had to go as well as XXX, the one removing the mom and 2 kids. Guess what. They've had their last X at this intersection. My kid is no one's X. He has a name. Not anyone's kid will be X'd the blazes outa here because billable hours and corruption make dandy lovers.

 Kids have no power, no voice, ( which is pretty much the whole point of gazillions in billable hours, in custody court, a whole, ' nother story ) no ability to defend themselves. It's been revealing. Your child is vulnerable, they're just taking out the brown kids first. Think about it. The most vulnerable little money makers disappear first. Those victims  are gone, now what,  huh? That's it, stuff  children under the handy ' criminal ' heading, rest is easy. That way, the white population screaming brown, bloody murder over ' immigration ' will have no choice but to follow this particularly putrid train of logic to the end. That would be watching while your kids are bought and sold too. That isn't an extreme statement. it's just what is.

It's like a billable blueprint.  We're all in this together only hate occludes vision.  Worst feature is, all the ubiquitous ' theys ' out there know it. So not so fast, screamers- ' My kid's white. She has a big test in honor's bio tomorrow, needs her sleep. Go away and while you're at it, take those brown kids with you. " The Trail of Tears " isn't history. We're just out of Native Americans to murder and shove around, our black citizens tend to shove back, elderly are mostly squished into nursing home beds, our Jewish population packs a punch- who's the next voiceless population? Once they've run through all the rest of brown folks- your kids are bringing up the rear. Picking them off is almost too easy. Isn't it?

" What's the difference between a rattlesnake and a lawyer? "

answer  " Rattlesnakes aren't really slimy. They just look that way. "

Too easy I know. Just made that up.

answer " Three years of law school "

Can't be the only person coming up with that.

answer " Rattlesnakes don't take phone calls. Oh wait. "

answer " Rattlesnakes take you out for free. "

Rattlesnake; " Alright, very funny. Ha. Ha. Are you people finished? It's not all joy out here y'know. Frogs taste terrible, those dam hawks are everywhere, rock mattresses suck and when some moron steps on us, everyone gets upset. You'd bite someone who stepped on your head, too.  Now we're dragged into this lawyer conversation? Just thanks. Go pick on the skunks. Rabid, smell up the place,  short sighted, eat worms and they're not very bright. Sounds like a better match. "They'll bite you too, don't say I didn't warn you. Just go away. "

We know an attorney who goes right up a scorching wall over lawyer jokes. I can see his point, mostly. Firm does endless, tireless pro bono work. Jokes aren't reflective of his ethical standards. These are indeed wonderful. Still, being one of the brethren it cannot have escaped his notice what in blazes peers are up to.  It was terrific seeing attorneys show up at airports, too, ensuring Trump's blockade didn't give him quite the thrill he'd been going for. But. This profession  managed to claim the right to ' police itself 'and put themselves outside the law ( irony so strong you can taste ferrous metal ) like some branch of special forces in a 3rd world nation presided over by a series of tin pot dictators. 'Ethical lawyer' may sound oxymoronic ( again, oh the irony ) ; there are a few. Pennsylvania's may be absent, on  tour with  Smithsonian's rare species exhibit but they're around. I suspect one withdrew rather than participate in a blood bath that almost killed our kid ( twice ). You can't contact her though. It'd be unethical.

What IF  bar associations meant it? Take a look at prosecutions and disciplinary actions taken when an er, investigation is launched over a filed complaint. A few child abusers, maybe a spouse beater-upper. Drugs. Nasty stuff anywhere, good to see it nailed. But. Wish there were script three stories high it's such a big ' but '.

Where's the rest? Anything related to professional violations? Having encountered let's see, ten attorneys, 3 of them ours to the tune of 40K over the past few years, one - I mean one- was ethical. We might excuse him from the  ' attorney ' accusation because he's a parent whose kid nearly left the planet. He went to law school because the system is so corrupt he thought it'd be a good use of his time here on the planet, saving a few. Another withdrew; we deeply suspect her of honesty. And our single honest attorney seemed intimidated by those 8. He tended to duck behind rocks when engaging, like any good sniper. Who can blame him?

We paid 40K a. to keep a kid alive and b. because a school district said we had to. Back to this country's  apocryphal free education.

To be continued.

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